Q:How should I refer to myself once I become an Associate of (ISC)²?
A:An Associate of (ISC)² is NOT a CISSP or SSCP and may not use this designation or represent that he/she has this designation until such time the required experience is obtained and the certificate is actually issued.

Q:Are CPEs and AMFs required for Associates?
A:To ensure Associates are prepared for certification and keeping up with changes in the field while they're acquiring the necessary professional experience, anyone who became an Associate of (ISC)² on or after May 1, 2008 is required to submit a minimum number of CPEs annually and pay Annual Maintenance Fees (AMFs) of US$35 by their anniversary date each year. Associates of (ISC)² toward CISSP must submit a minimum of 20 CPE credits each year, and Associates of (ISC)² toward SSCP must submit a minimum of 10 CPE credits each year.

associate 자격으로 시험을 보신분은 CISSP가 아직 아니며 자격 경력을 충촉 시키고 추천서와 이럭서를
제출하여 자격증을 수령할수 있으며, 이 기간 동안에는 2008년 5월 1일 이후에는 매년 35$의 유지비용과
최소 20CPE를 제출하여야 합니다.

보통 학생의 경우 이렇게 시험을 치게 될텐데 이러한 내용을 알지 못하여 혼돈 하는 경우가 있습니다..
참고 하시기 바랍니다..
